Walking into the Hippodrome on February 24, we didn’t know what to expect. We had heard whispers in the Gainesville community about a conference called the “Frank Gathering.” Having never been, did not realize what we were in for. What we ended up being a part of was a three-day experience unlike any other we’ve had in Gainesville.
More than a conference, frank is an annual event for people who work in strategic communications. Franksters from far and wide descend on downtown Gainesville to be part of this exchange of ideas. The industries represented are numerous, but everyone had one thing in common: their work drives social change. Given our mission to help people grow through the understanding of their story, we felt right at home with these changemakers.
Frank is centered around “frank talks,” lectures by researchers, practitioners, and innovators in different fields, each with an idea or lesson from their work that can help lead the way to major social change. You can view all of these frank talks here: https://vimeo.com/frankgathering
The #StoryTelling and #SelfNarrate team get together for #Frank2016 pic.twitter.com/fra14ZKhgp
— Briana Lirio (@brilirio) February 24, 2016
Self Narrate was invited to lead a couple of breakout sessions, called “scrums,” on personal storytelling. We were amazed by the stories that our fellow franksters shared with us. Many people at frank are storytellers for different organizations in their line of work, so given a chance to share their own stories, franksters really engaged in the personal storytelling process.
We can’t wait until frank 2017!
See if you can spot footage of our scrum in this recap video!